‘Positive Reflection’’

Sadia Younas
3 min readFeb 11, 2021

Reflection is characterized by or expressing certainty or affirmation. Reflecting helps you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than just carry on doing things as you have always done them.

When you reflect, you gain a better understanding of what’s working and what’s not. This, in turn, allows you to make better decisions and change your actions. Each time you improve, it helps build your confidence with increased knowledge and perspective

I joined ‘Amal Academy’ to enhance my confidence level. Once a video project was assigned to us. In that video making part, I was much much impressed by the part that was on ‘to make the video’. I thought ‘how I will say even a single word?’ 🤔. I tried so many times probably 15 times 😛 to make the video. I chose different ways to like learned it by heart, say it before the mirror, set a timer to complete the task. Then I gave myself Courage and confidence in different ways to walk alone. I did it😍

Then I realized that How ‘self-love and importance’ are much crucial to defend yourself in this era. It made me a person ‘who never speaks before the public’. I was very much impressed by this task that made me a strong person. Fellowship told me ‘not everyone notices you, for what purpose you did so, they only check your confidential abilities, just stay positive and move on’. 😊

I never thought, in this way, I gain this skill but the fellowship made it. From it, I learned how to stay positive and confident in life.😎 When I posted the video, Many fellow fellows encourage me by giving positive and constructive feedback. 🤩They tell me ‘You can do it, Great job, amazing, etc that give me strength. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.

As Mark Twain said:

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

I’m naturally a person with a lack of Confidence. It made me a person from ‘Log kya souchen gyn?’ 🤔to ‘ab Faraq nahi parta, bas karty jao 🤗or ‘Dunya ko bta do!’ 🤑. I thought if I say something, people will crack a joke about it. Just learn to trust the journey even when you not sure about the results. Sometimes what you never wanted or expected, turned out to be a perfect thing or what you need.

Before it, I thought of gaining confidence by speaking in public without any fear and in spite of every laughing my asses off by making jokes and sharing my viewpoints whether it’ll wrong or correct. Looking towards the super amazing life is far better than thinking back to people.

Grateful to the Amal Academy who provided the platform where I learned many skills and gain improvement in myself. 🥰. Now I am more than a little confident person in my life. I hope, One day I’ll be a strong person in my life. 😊

